CG2 2023/24

Oral exam ressources (scroll down to get to the class logbook)

Les écrits du BTS ont lieu généralement un peu après le 15 mai, les oraux une à deux semaine après.

probable questions : 

  1. What can you tell me about your work placement (GB) / internship (US)?
  2. Why did you choose to study accounting?
  3. What are your plans for next year?
  4. What would be your dream job?
  5. What type of company would you like to work in?
  6. Would you choose rather a less-paid job in a small firm in the country or a better-paid job in a big city?
  7. What kind of specialty do you prefer in the vast field of accounting?
  8. Have you ever travelled abroad?
  9. Would you like to travel abroad, and if so, where to?
  10. Would you consider living abroad?
  11. What can you tell about some of your hobbies and interests?

You may need to talk about the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic: Socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic






suggestion de plan de commentaire

Commenting on a press article

vocabulaire utile

les chiffres, les nombres, la monnaie…

Theme Specific vocabulary

Use such help as Natural Readers to improve your accent and memorize the sound and audio.


Thursday, April 4th

Text 26: Career Services Partners With Filtari To Help Students “Clean Up” Social Media Before Applying For Jobs

Thursday, March 21st

Prepare a presentation of text 29: Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces

Afternoon pad

Morning pad 

Possible script for the oral: 

“My presentation is based on an article titled “Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces,” which was published in The Harvard Business Review in August 2022.
This article discusses the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in various sectors of the economy and addresses concerns about AI replacing human employees. It highlights that companies primarily automating to reduce workforces may only see short-term gains.
One of the key points emphasized in the article is the significant performance improvements observed when humans and AI work together. Through research involving 1,500 firms, it’s shown that AI can assist humans in tasks such as information gathering, data analysis, customer service, and physical labor, thereby allowing humans to focus on higher-level tasks that require leadership, creativity, and judgment.
To fully leverage the benefits of AI, companies need to redesign their business processes. This involves identifying areas for improvement such as operational flexibility, speed, decision-making, and personalization of products and services.
While there are concerns about AI replacing human workers, the article argues that AI’s larger impact will be in complementing and augmenting human capabilities rather than replacing them entirely. It stresses the importance of organizations embracing collaborative intelligence to thrive in the evolving technological landscape.
In conclusion, the collaboration between humans and AI offers immense potential for businesses to enhance their performance and innovate. It’s essential for organizations to understand the role of AI, redesign their processes accordingly, and foster a culture of collaboration between humans and machines.
Thank you for listening. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have.”

Monday, March 4th

Text 29: Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces

Thursday, March 14th

Text 25: The Accounting Skills You Need For A Successful Career

Thursday, March 7th

Theme Specific vocabulary

Monday, March 4th

Text 20: What is quiet quitting?

Thursday, February 12th

Collaborative pad to produce a presentation of text 21

Monday, February 12th

Test : text 21 + Why did you choose to study accounting? (in about 80 words)

Monday, February 5th

Bob Iger orders Disney employees back to the office four days a week

The work-from-home era is over at Walt Disney Co.

Chief Executive Bob Iger has ordered Disney employees to return to the office four days a week — Monday through Thursday — starting March 1, according to a Monday email to staff viewed by The Times.


Monday, January 29th

How to manage employee communication in the hybrid era
“Employees can really get overwhelmed and have really high levels of anxiety if they’re getting a flood of messages from multiple communication channels,” one expert said.

Thursday, January 25th

an interesting ressource to be able to talk about yourself in a professional context : Interview Question: “How Would You Describe Yourself?”

(ChatGPT) Lorsqu’une école vous demande ce que vous pouvez apporter en tant qu’étudiant(e), il est important de mettre en avant vos qualités, compétences et expériences qui peuvent contribuer positivement à la vie académique et sociale de l’école. Voici quelques idées pour vous guider dans votre réponse :

Compétences académiques :

Mentionnez vos performances académiques, vos réussites antérieures et votre engagement dans vos études.
Soulignez votre capacité à travailler de manière autonome et en équipe, ainsi que votre volonté de contribuer à un environnement d’apprentissage collaboratif.

Compétences personnelles :

Mettez en avant vos compétences en communication, votre ouverture d’esprit et votre capacité à travailler avec diverses personnes.
Montrez votre capacité à résoudre des problèmes et à faire preuve de créativité dans vos approches.

Expériences antérieures :

Évoquez des expériences passées, qu’elles soient académiques, professionnelles ou bénévoles, qui ont développé vos compétences et votre caractère.
Expliquez comment ces expériences pourraient être mises à profit au sein de la communauté de l’école.

Passions et intérêts :

Partagez vos passions, centres d’intérêt et hobbies qui pourraient enrichir la vie étudiante de l’école.
Expliquez comment ces intérêts peuvent contribuer à la diversité et à la vitalité de la communauté scolaire.

Engagement social :

Mentionnez votre volonté de participer activement à des activités parascolaires, des clubs, des événements et des projets au sein de l’école.
Exprimez votre désir de contribuer positivement à la vie sociale et culturelle de l’établissement.

Objectifs à long terme :

Expliquez comment vos objectifs personnels et professionnels s’alignent avec la mission et les valeurs de l’école.
Mettez en évidence comment votre éducation dans cette école contribuera à la réalisation de vos aspirations futures.

Adaptabilité et apprentissage continu :

Soulignez votre capacité à vous adapter à de nouveaux environnements et à apprendre continuellement.
Exprimez votre désir de contribuer à la création d’un environnement d’apprentissage dynamique et stimulant.

En résumé, votre réponse devrait montrer comment votre présence à l’école ajoutera de la valeur à la communauté, à la fois sur le plan académique et social. Soyez authentique et spécifique dans vos réponses, en mettant en avant ce qui vous distingue et ce qui fait de vous un candidat(e) idéal(e) pour l’établissement.

Monday, January 22nd

Will the UK introduce a four-day work week?

Thursday, January 18th

Possible commentary about the text entitled “Top tips to impress at a job interview”

This text provides top tips for impressing at a job interview. The source of the information is, as indicated at the bottom of the page.

The first tip emphasizes the importance of punctuality by advising candidates to arrive around ten minutes before the scheduled interview time. It suggests planning ahead and checking travel information to avoid any delays related to transportation.

The second tip focuses on dressing appropriately for the interview. It acknowledges the varying dress code expectations across different industries and recommends erring on the side of formality rather than casual attire. This tip highlights the visual impact of appearance during the initial stages of the interview process.

The third tip encourages candidates to treat everyone they encounter with politeness and professionalism, including reception staff and others. It emphasizes the potential working relationships that could develop with these individuals and underscores the importance of a positive attitude from the outset.

The fourth tip discusses the significance of body language and a firm handshake in creating a positive impression. It advises against negative gestures such as avoiding eye contact or fidgeting with clothing. The mention of maintaining a positive demeanor and smiling reinforces the idea that non-verbal cues contribute to the overall impression.

The fifth and final tip likens the interview to a theatrical performance, with the interviewers as the audience and the candidate as the performer. It stresses the importance of staying calm, being clear about one’s goals, and avoiding rushed answers. This tip underscores the need for preparation and composure during the interview process.

As a student in accounting with only a few work placements and oral exams, these tips can serve as valuable guidance for navigating the job interview process and making a favorable impression despite limited professional experience. Applying these suggestions can help showcase professionalism, interpersonal skills, and a positive attitude, ultimately enhancing the chances of success in securing a job opportunity.

Possible commentary about the text entitledWhy Gen Z Loves Co-working”

The text, sourced from LinkedIn on September 17, 2022, discusses the appeal of co-working spaces for the Generation Z (Gen Z) workforce.

LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform designed for business and career connections. Users create profiles to showcase their professional experience, skills, and accomplishments, and can connect with other professionals, join industry groups, and explore job opportunities.

Co-working refers to the contemporary practice of working independently in shared office spaces. The text emphasizes that co-working provides several advantages, such as convenience, flexibility, and collaboration opportunities, which resonate well with Gen Z employees.

Gen Z workers, according to the text, appreciate the traditional work environment with set hours and a clear work/life balance. They value face-to-face interactions and consider remote work to be isolating. The flexibility and freedom inherent in co-working might be appealing to many employees, but Gen Z seeks a more structured and interactive work setting.

Co-working spaces are designed to foster collaboration and networking, offering open work areas, event spaces, and lounges that encourage interaction among individuals. The locations of co-working spaces, often in vibrant urban areas, contribute to their appeal. The text suggests that these features make co-working spaces particularly attractive to Gen Z employees.

Interestingly, the text argues that co-working is not limited to millennials; it is also embraced by the new generation of workers entering the workforce. Gen Z employees are looking for opportunities to work with individuals possessing diverse knowledge and experience. Co-working spaces, by bringing together professionals from different generations, provide a platform for intergenerational learning.

In the context of cost-cutting in today’s economy, co-working spaces are presented as a more affordable alternative to traditional office spaces. They also offer networking opportunities, allowing professionals to connect with others in their field. The text emphasizes the growing significance of co-working and encourages employers to consider the benefits it can offer to their employees.

In summary, the text from LinkedIn outlines why co-working is attractive to Gen Z employees, emphasizing the need for a balance between flexibility and a traditional work environment. The collaborative nature of co-working spaces, the appeal to multiple generations, cost-effectiveness, and networking opportunities are highlighted as key factors contributing to the popularity of co-working in the evolving work landscape.


Monday, January 15th

Why Gen Z Loves Co-working

Thursday, January 11th

Top tips to impress at a job interview

Monday, January 8th

with my very best wishes for 2024!

add to your work placement report drawing from your recent experience

Thursday, November 23rd

Monday, November 20th

written test, present the following document

Always on hi-tech work culture is hitting family life.pdf

Thursday, October 19th

  1. The article sheds light on…
  2. It’s intriguing to see how…
  3. The article provides valuable insights into…
  4. The author skillfully analyzes…
  5. A compelling argument presented in the article is…
  6. The author presents a compelling case for…
  7. An interesting perspective brought up is…
  8. The article raises pertinent questions about…
  9. The author makes a compelling argument regarding…
  10. A strong point made in the article is…
  11. The author provides a nuanced view of…
  12. One aspect that stands out is…
  13. The article thoughtfully considers…
  14. An insightful angle explored in the article is…
  15. The article provides a comprehensive overview of…
  16. The article underscores the significance of…
  17. The author effectively highlights…
  18. The article convincingly argues that…

Possible commentary about text 3

The article presented here comes from the website “”, with the original publication date being April 30, 2020.

The provided text discusses key ideas about what employees want from their workplace in order to be motivated and perform at their best. The content emphasizes that beyond working to earn a living, individuals often seek engagement and motivation from their jobs, particularly if they have a passion for what they do. The workplace is described as a crucial factor in influencing employee morale, motivation, and overall quality of life.

Several factors are highlighted as essential for creating an environment that fosters motivation and productivity. Fair compensation and benefits are identified as fundamental elements that employers should provide. Additionally, the text emphasizes the importance of feedback, expressing gratitude, and creating opportunities for employees to collaborate in a team environment.

Respect is identified as a key component in the employer-employee relationship. Treating employees with dignity and respect is highlighted as a primary desire in the workplace, and the text suggests that demonstrating respect through simple yet powerful actions is crucial.

The role of feedback in a healthy work environment is underscored, with an emphasis on its dual function of benefitting the company by improving processes and showing employees that their careers are valued. The text acknowledges the various forms that feedback can take, from detailed performance reviews to simple expressions of appreciation or constructive criticism.

Recognition and appreciation are portrayed as powerful motivators for employees. The text suggests that publicly acknowledging and highlighting the benefits of an individual’s work during team meetings can contribute to making employees feel valued and motivated.

In summary, the text advocates for creating a workplace that not only provides fair compensation and benefits but also prioritizes elements such as respect, feedback, and recognition to motivate employees and enhance overall workplace satisfaction.

Monday, October 16th (cours annulé)

Thursday, October 12th

Probable oral question 3: What are your plans for next year?

(you may obviously group the answers to send them to me)

Monday, October 16th (method to write the commentary => make a list!)

Monday, October 9th

Exam text 3: Top Ideas About What Employees Want From Their Workplace

Possible commentary about Exam text 2: Telework in the US: before and after the pandemic:

The following text delves into the landscape of telework in the United States both before and after the pandemic. In 2018, around 5% of the U.S. workforce engaged in teleworking, but the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a drastic shift. By May 2020, this figure surged to approximately 35%, with major tech companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, and Twitter announcing plans to prolong teleworking well into the future. This transformation signifies a sea change that will permanently reshape the American work landscape and corporate practices.

Telework is praised for its various potential benefits, such as heightened productivity, reduced costs for employers, enhanced flexibility, and reduced stress for workers. It also presents advantages like diminished exposure to pollution and alleviated traffic congestion for commuters. Additionally, during the pandemic, telework provided job security for those fortunate enough to engage in it. A study from 2017 underscored the appeal of remote work for job applicants, with many willing to accept lower wages (around 8% on average) for the option to work from home.

The team’s research focuses on exploring the interconnections between the pandemic, urban living and working conditions, and city climate action. Transportation assumes a central role in this investigation due to its significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and the uneven distribution of reliable and affordable transportation, which was further disrupted by the pandemic.

While early research suggested that teleworking could reduce vehicle use and emissions, subsequent studies paint a more nuanced picture. The text suggests that the enthusiasm for embracing telework should be tempered by two prevailing realities: first, an increase in telework may worsen inequality in America, given current economic and social conditions, and second, the climate benefits of teleworking are likely modest, at best.

This text is adapted from and was published on July 22, 2020. It provides a nuanced perspective on the impact of teleworking, emphasizing its potential advantages while cautioning against overestimating its positive environmental impact and considering its potential to exacerbate existing inequalities.

Thursday, October 5

Probable oral question 2: Why did you choose to study accounting?


5 Reasons You Should Be An Accountant

Why be an Accountant | Opportunities in the Accounting Profession

Monday, October 2nd

Exam text 2 : Telework in the US: before and after the pandemic

Thursday, September 28th

Go on writing about your work placement, report to be emailed by September 30th at

Monday, September 25th

Exam text 1: Does telework benefit the environment? and a commentary text 1

Thursday, September 21st

Go on writing about your work placement, report to be emailed by September 30th at

You may find some inspiration here :

Hannah / Amine / Melissa / Alice

Monday, September 18th

Exam text 1: Does telework benefit the environment?

Thursday, September 14th

Go on writing about your work placement, report to be emailed by September 30th at

Monday, September 11th

Exam text 1: Does telework benefit the environment?

Thursday, September 7th

Prepare a work placement report, about 500 words (+/- 10%), use the following document as a guideline and help.