TSTMG1 2023/24

Wednesday, April 10th

The modals (simple chart)

Wednesday, April 3rd

NOE REYES from the State of Puebla works as a delivery boy in Brooklyn New York, he sends 500 dollars a week.
Photographer : Dulce Pinzon
Serie: “The Real Story of The Superheroes”

Wednesday, March 27th

MARIA LUISA ROMERO from the State of Puebla works in a Laundromat in Brooklyn, New York. She Sends 150 dollars a week to her family.

Photographer : Dulce Pinzon

Series : The real story of Superheroes

Source : dulcepinzon.com (other relevant material here)

=>=>=>=>=>fill in the following form to comment upon the photo

Wednesday, March 20th

a very simple and basic version could be :

WHAT: The document I’m going to talk to you about is a photo about Spiderman by Dulce Pinzon.

WHERE: The scene takes place in a big American city.

WHEN: The event occurred in a contemporary setting.

WHO: The main character is a professional window cleaner disguised as Spiderman.

SUMMARY: The main issue is that of Mexican migrants who can be seen as superheroes instead of being discriminated against.

PARTS: The picture can be divided into 2 parts, on the left hand side there is New York landscape and on the right hand side Spiderman on the wall of a tall building / skyscraper.

ANALYSIS: By taking this photo, Dulce Pinzon wants the viewer to realize that Mexican workers can be seen as superheroes by their families in Mexico.

The real story of the Superheroes Bernabe Mendez from the State of Guerrero. Works as a professional window cleaner in New York he sends 500 dollars a month. http://www.dulcepinzon.com/
Bernabe Mendez from the State of Guerrero works as a professional window cleaner in New York, he sends 500 dollars a month back home.

Photographer : Dulce Pinzon

Series : The real story of Superheroes

Source : dulcepinzon.com (other relevant material here)

=>=>=>=>=>fill in the following form to comment upon the photo

Wednesday, March 13th

Let’s use this collaborative pad to build a possible commentary about last week’s document. Possible commentary to be downloaded here.

Wednesday, March 6th

describe and comment upon this picture using the worksheet “how to present a document”


Thursday, February 15th

ORALS + Here you may check your answers about the activity on Reported Speech

Wednesday, February 14th

List of verb & structures to use for the exercise => Reported speech.

To threaten S1 to do Sthg -> menacer qq1 de faire qqch

To suggest Sthg to S1 -> suggérer qqch à qq1

To urge S1 to do Sthg -> presser qq1 de faire qqch

To deny having done Sthg -> nier avoir fait qqch

To offer (S1) to do Sthg -> offrir/proposer (à qq1) de faire qqch

To refuse to do Sthg -> refuser de faire qqch

To remark about Sthg -> faire une remarque à propos de qqch

To agree (with S1) about Sthg -> être d’accord (avec qq1) à propos de qqch

To warn S1 about Sthg -> avertir/prévenir qq1 à propos de qqch

To advise S1 about Sthg / to advise S1 to do Sthg -> conseiller qq1 à propos de qqch / de faire qqch

To apologize to S1 (about Sthg) -> présenter ses excuses …

To add Sthg -> ajouter qqch

To insist about Sthg -> insister sur qqch

To admit Sthg to S1 -> admettre qqch à qq1

To inform S1 about Sthg -> informer qq1 de qqch

To remind Sthg to S1 -> rappeler qqch à qq1

To remember Sthg -> se rappeler de qqch

To complain about Sthg (to S1) -> se plaindre de qqch à qq1

To announce Sthg to S1 -> annoncer qqch à qq1

To promise Sthg to S1 -> promettre qqch à qq1

to explain Sthg to S1 -> expliquer qqch à qq1

to admit Sthg (to S1) -> admettre qqch à qq1

to ask S1 (about Sthg) -> demander qqch à qq1

To wonder about Sthg -> se demander qqch

To greet S1 -> saluer qq1

To welcome S1 -> accueillir qq1

to refuse to do Sthg -> refuser de faire qqch

To introduce S1 (to S1 else) -> présenter qq1 (à qq1 d’autre)

To call S1 -> apeller qq1



Thursday, February 8th

Almost a dictation, about airpods, the first commercial when they got released/launched.

The voice is that of Jony Ive, long-time Apple designer and one of the most celebrated designer today.

Wednesday, February 7th

Written comprehension text + written expression

Wednesday, January 31st

Writing a short poem

Wednesday, January 24th

Writing a short poem

Wednesday, January 17th

Carrie Reichardt, artist and craftivist – Choose a piece to comment upon. Send your work using ECLAT.

Wednesday, January 10th

with my very best wishes for 2024!

Carrie Reichardt, artist and craftivist – Choose a piece to comment upon.

Wednesday, December 20th

Carrie Reichardt, artist and craftivist


Thursday, November 23rd

Check your Irregular Verbs!

Quizzes about your relationship to technologies:

The quizzes are not interesting in themselves but they offer plenty of useful vocabulary and colloquialism

Wednesday, November 22nd

Telling a story – Original text – Put the verbs in the right tense

Thursday, October 12th

Search the web in English to be able to characterize the WWF. Don’t use Google which is mainly going to give you results in French, but try another search engine called Duckduckgo which can be easily switched to another language and location => https://duckduckgo.com/settings

Work alone or in pairs and send your work to both your teachers using Eclat, by the end of the class!

Wednesday, October 18th

English Test: written comprehension & short written expression

Thursday, October 12th

Search the web in English to be able to characterize the FBI. Don’t use Google which is mainly going to give you results in French, but try another search engine called Duckduckgo which can be easily switched to another language and location => https://duckduckgo.com/settings

Work alone or in pairs and send your work using Eclat, by the end of the class!

Wednesday, October 11th

Oral comprehension about MKBHD

  1. his latest video “Can you trust Google?
  2. MKBHD portrait by Forbes
  3. How much money MKBHD earns?

Thursday, October 5th

Search the web in English to be able to characterize Nike. Don’t use Google which is mainly going to give you results in French, but try another search engine called Duckduckgo which can be easily switched to another language and location => https://duckduckgo.com/settings

Work alone or in pairs and send your work using Eclat, by the end of the class!

Wednesday, October 4th

Sortie scolaire

Thursday, September 28th

Search the web in English to be able to characterize Nike. Don’t use Google which is mainly going to give you results in French, but try another search engine called Duckduckgo which can be easily switched to another language and location => https://duckduckgo.com/settings

Collect elements in English (sentences, phrases, words…)

Characterizing an organization involves understanding and describing its various aspects to gain insights into its structure, culture, processes, and performance. This characterization is crucial for effective management and decision-making. Here are key elements to consider when characterizing an organization:

  1. Mission and Vision:

    • Understand the organization’s mission statement and vision. These statements provide a sense of purpose and direction.
  2. Goals and Objectives:

    • Identify the specific goals and objectives that the organization aims to achieve. These should align with its mission and vision.
  3. Structure:

    • Analyze the organizational structure, including the hierarchy, reporting relationships, and the distribution of authority and responsibility.
  4. Culture:

    • Assess the organizational culture, which includes shared values, beliefs, and behaviors among employees. Culture influences how work is done and how people interact.
  5. Processes and Workflows:

    • Examine key business processes and workflows to understand how tasks are executed and how information flows within the organization.
  6. Leadership:

    • Evaluate the leadership style and effectiveness of top management. Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the organization’s direction and culture.
  7. Human Resources:

    • Consider the skills, expertise, and demographics of the workforce. Understand how the organization attracts, develops, and retains talent.
  8. Technology and Infrastructure:

    • Assess the technology infrastructure and tools used within the organization. This includes information systems, communication tools, and other technology assets.
  9. Financial Performance:

    • Review financial statements and performance metrics to understand the organization’s financial health and stability.
  10. Stakeholders:

    • Identify key stakeholders, both internal and external, and understand their interests, influence, and impact on the organization.
  11. Competitive Position:

    • Analyze the organization’s competitive position in the market. Understand its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).
  12. Risk Management:

    • Evaluate how the organization identifies, assesses, and manages risks. This includes financial risks, operational risks, and external risks.
  13. Innovation and Adaptability:

    • Assess the organization’s capacity for innovation and its ability to adapt to changes in the external environment.
  14. Communication:

    • Examine internal and external communication channels. Effective communication is crucial for aligning employees and stakeholders with the organization’s goals.
  15. Legal and Ethical Considerations:

    • Ensure that the organization operates within legal and ethical boundaries. Compliance with laws and ethical standards is essential for long-term sustainability.

By thoroughly analyzing these aspects, managers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization, which can inform strategic decisions and improvements in various areas. This characterization process is often ongoing, as organizations evolve and respond to internal and external changes.

Wednesday, September 27th

 1.Rachel a travaillé chez Ford comme comptable pendant 7 ans.

She worked at Ford as an accountant for 7 years.

2.Rachel a travaillé chez Ford comme comptable pendant 7 ans avant de trouver une opportunité intéressante chez Google.

She had worked at Ford as an accountant for 7 years
before finding an interesting opportunity at Google.

– 3.En ce moment, Ellen habite New York, avant de déménager
pour Tokyo pour travailler sur un tout nouveau projet.

– 4.John habite à Seattle, il adore cette ville.

– 5.Pendant les vacances, il va souvent dans les Montagnes Rocheuses.

– 6.Summer habite à Cupertino depuis 2 ans.

– 7.Summer habite à Cupertino depuis 2021.

– 8.Summer habite à Cupertino depuis qu’elle a trouvé du travail chez Apple.

– 9.Summer a habité à Chicago pendant 3 ans.

– 10.Patrick a surtout fait de la saisie de données pendant son stage qui a duré 6 semaines.

– 11.Lucinda va aller vivre à Londres pendant 5 ans pour faire des études de comptabilité afin de devenir expert comptable.

Tenses, an overview

Thursday, September 21st

Slides : Waiting for the bus 

Wednesday, September 19th

An overview of the English Tense System

10h30 class photo!

Thursday, September 14th

  1. Word formation
  2. Compound adjectives
  3. Compound nouns
  4. False friends

Wednesday, September 13th

Reading Tartan, a short-story by George Mackay Brown.

Visualizing the scene by drawing elements. The scene takes place in the north of Scotland, near Durness and it looks like this when the weather is good!

Thursday, September 7th


  1. Howlers – most common mistakes to avoid
  2. numbers and figures (to train yourself at home use this)
  3. useful vocabulary


Wednesday, September 6th

General introduction and a short history of the English Language.

=> homework: watch the video