English Teaching / Learning

FREE dictionaries and translation helps :

  • for everyday use Wordreference.com (there is also a free android and iOS app available)
  • sometimes it is best to use an English only dictionary such as The Cambridge English Dictionary
  • for technical, scientific or very specialized vocabulary use Le Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique de l’Office Québécois de la Langue Française
  • to help with the translation of phrases or word associations within a given context, use the Linguee Database
  • and last but not least, Deepl.com the best online translator I know of

A survival kit : how to present a document

Some basic grammar hand-outs

Each of the classes I teach at the Lycée Mathias in Chalon-sur-Saône has a dedicated page on this website accessed quickly via the right hand side menu

some ressources for LLCE students